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In the wake of COVID-19, millions of people have uncovered new mental health conditions and millions more have had their existing challenges exacerbated. We must take action now to meet the needs of our communities and identify opportunities to build long-term resilience.
From Awareness to Action
While more people than ever before are comfortable discussing mental health, many fall through the cracks in the space between awareness and action – particularly those who have been marginalized or underserved by existing institutions.
That is why a coalition of nonprofits, brands and influential leaders are coming together to launch the first-ever Mental Health Action Day that will drive our culture from awareness to action. This moment will provide the tangible tools that will help us all take an action for ourselves, for our loved ones, and for our community.
Take the First Action
Action looks different for everyone, and Mental Health Action Day will encourage people to do what feels right for them.
Learn more:
Mental Health Action Day