Save the Date! Mental Health Action Day - May 20, 2021

May 3, 2021

18 Out of 100 People

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders such as PTSD, panic attacks, phobias, and general anxiety disorder affect 18% of people in the U.S. each year, making them the most common mental health problems.

Anxiety becomes an anxiety disorder when overwhelming fear and worry prevent you from being able to live a normal life. Anxiety disorders can affect anyone and may begin at any age.

People with anxiety disorders are unable to control their own disturbing thoughts. They may start to avoid everyday situations that they fear will trigger more stress.

Anyone in Ventura County who has a question about mental health should seek help immediately, the same way you would ask for help when we have any other health question. If ignored and untreated, extreme anxiety can prevent you from being able to participate in daily life.

Worrying, Anxiety and When It’s Too Much

Everyone experiences worry in some way during daily life. You may feel understandably anxious as a reaction to ordinary urgent situations, for example, if you are running late for work. However, you may also feel anxious when you are worrying about something that may or may not happen, a threat that only exists in your imagination.

In the wake of COVID-19, millions of people have uncovered new mental health conditions and millions more have had their existing challenges exacerbated. We must take action now to meet the needs of our communities and identify opportunities to build long-term resilience.

From Awareness to Action
While more people than ever before are comfortable discussing mental health, many fall through the cracks in the space between awareness and action – particularly those who have been marginalized or underserved by existing institutions.

That is why a coalition of nonprofits, brands and influential leaders are coming together to launch the first-ever Mental Health Action Day that will drive our culture from awareness to action. This moment will provide the tangible tools that will help us all take an action for ourselves, for our loved ones, and for our community.

Take the First Action
Action looks different for everyone, and Mental Health Action Day will encourage people to do what feels right for them.

Learn more:
Mental Health Action Day

Together We Can Make a Difference


Vision: Ventura County Suicide Prevention Council is comprised of countywide stakeholders who are dedicated to reducing suicides by offering help and hope to people of every culture, gender and socioeconomic group throughout their lifespans.

Mission: Our purpose is to promote help and hope to everyone at risk or affected by suicide. We engage in collaborative dialogue to raise public awareness, identify resources and provide education, and we strive to support innovative suicide prevention and intervention initiatives.

Contact for more information.

If you are interested in joining the Suicide Prevention Council, please email

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